Monday, February 18, 2013

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New blog! I decided to start over.

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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Finally Free

The event that I am going to write about this week is one that has rocked South Africa’s world for the better. I am writing about the official statement from South African president F. W. de Klerk, that he is going to release Nelson Mandela from jail. This happened on February 10th, but Nelson Mandela was not officially released until February 12th.

            The government at the time was an apartheid government. That is where classes are split by race. Mandela was completely against that and became a part of the African National Congress. The ANC was banned by the government in 1960 for the way they though, and in return, Mandela had to go in disguise and took on many odd jobs to keep his true identity a secret.

            In 1961 Mandela was tired of staying quiet and started to think that nonviolent tactics was not getting his idea across. He and his group of people from the ANC started widespread bombings at government buildings and government official’s property. He was looked at by many during this time as a terrorist even though he was fighting for what was right in the community. Mandela was arrested on August 5, 1962 and was sentenced to five years in prison. After he was arrested, officials went on a raid at Lilliesleaf farm in Rivonia. They found different documents written by Mandela himself, describing his plan on taking down the government in South Africa. He was then sentenced to more prison time and was sent to the prison on Robben Island.

            While Mandela was in prison, he had the great skill of influencing many people, even the most mean prison guard there. According to PBS, “Through his intelligence, charm and dignified defiance, Mandela eventually bent even the most brutal prison officials to his will, assumed leadership over his jailed comrades and became the master of his own prison.”

            In the 1980’s, Mandela’s former law partner Oliver Tambo, started an international movement to free Mandela. In 1989, President F. W. de Klerk started to dismantle all of the apartheid ideas in the government. He also started to release all of the imprisoned members of the ANC.

            After Mandela was released, he was named President of the ANC and was rewarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

            Mandela is looked at by many as a symbol of hope. He never stopped trying to do what he knew was right. He is a very idolizing figure and should put strength in many to do what they believe is right, no matter what measures you have to take.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bad Mr. President

            The event that I am going to write about has been a controversial topic for some time in the past. This event happened on January 27, 2012. It was when the First Lady at the time, Hilary Clinton, blames Bill Clinton’s affairs on a vast right wing conspiracy.

            The “vast right wing conspiracy” spiraled out of control when there were allegations against them for the murder of former White House Aide, Vince Foster. He was found dead in a park in Washington; but it was then concluded that he had shot himself.

            Mrs. Clinton did not believe that her husband had cheated on her with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. At the time she felt that it was all a set up to make them look bad after the election. Bill Clinton also denied having any sort of relationship with Lewinsky. Other people had complained about sexual harassment from Bill Clinton in the past. The allegations against him started when he was only the governor of Arkansas.

            Many people felt that Hilary Clinton’s response to the affair and blaming it on a conspiracy was ridiculous. Former president of the conservative Rutherford Institute replied with the response, “Show us the facts. Who conspired and where? Who are these people who are conspiring?”

            Mr. Clinton was caught directly giving gifts to Monica Lewinsky. She felt that it had only happened because he was “gregarious and giving to everyone he meets.” In my opinion he was obviously a little to giving.

            Mrs. Lewinsky and her attorney submitted a formal proposal stating that they did not have sexual relations in return of not being prosecuted.

            Although she said they had no such relationship, there have been recordings of her talking to friends telling them about hers and Mr. Clinton’s relationship being just that. She also told her friends that she had been told to lie so that neither of them would get into any trouble.

            For months and months, many news stations were debating on whether or not Clinton actually had extra marital affairs with Lewinsky, and if he did, he would have perjury charges against him for lying about it. After the break in the news that it was in fact true, Lewinsky received a transactional immunity. That is immunity from persecution. She exposed everything about that affair and even turned over a blue dress that had stains from Mr. Clinton on them. After DNA tests, it shows that Mr. Clinton had affairs with Lewinsky.

            On August 17, 1998, Clinton admitted in a taped grand jury statement that he had an “improper physical relationship” with Lewinsky. That evening he also gave a nationally televised statement admitting to the affairs saying that it was “not appropriate.”

            Because of him lying about the affair, he had many hard ships coming for him. He had to pay a 90,000 dollar fine for lying in court. He was also almost impeached from office, especially since many of the members of congress were Republican. He did remain in office though. Many question that if a man was capable of that, would it make him a bad president? That is up for you to decide.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

We All Live in a Yellow Submarine

            Vee Jay albums had the great pleasure of releasing the very first Beatles album in the United States on January 27, 1964. The name is, Introducing… The Beatles. Vee Jay records did not always publish British boy bands. They were a successful black company that made its fame and fortune off of R&B, blues, and soul records. Then in 1962, they had a chance to release a number one British single by Frank Ifield in the United States called “I Remember You”. In addition to them releasing that single, they accepted a five year contract with a British band, not known by anyone, known as The Beatles.

            In the beginning, The Beatles did not have that much attention in the US at all. Their first single that was released did not even make the top 100 billboards for pop. Vee Jay records also spelled their band name wrong as ‘The Beattles.’ After, they finally released another single with their band name spelled correctly. The single, ‘From Me to You/Thank You Girl’, made it to #116 on the billboard for pop music.

            Vee Jay records finally decided to release a Beatles album in July of 1964. That album will later bring much attention to their record company. Once the decision was made to release the album, a lot of drama erupted in the company. Many people quit who held the higher positions in the company. Also, Capital Records, who were the record company for the Frank Ifield, were creating problems for the release in the United States. They felt that because The Beatles piggy backed with Frank Ifield, that Vee Jay did not have the right to release the album. Vee Jay records felt that was not the case so they proceeded with the album.

            Capitol Records still had some control of The Beatles. They offered a $50,000 contract that Vee Jay could not pass up.

            The album was rush released on January 6, 1964. The single, “Please Please Me” was also re-released and became more popular than it had on its original release date. Vee Jay records beat Capitol records by a few days with their release of “Meet the Beatles.”

            This action was not unnoticed by The Capitol. They quickly filed many law suits against Vee Jay. After many suits and countersuits being files, the courts ruled against Vee Jay records because of their use of the songs “Love Me Do” and P.S I Love You.” Vee Jay quickly replaced those songs with “Please Please Me” and “Ask Me Why.” The new version of the album was released on January 27, 1964.

            The Beatles have since been a phenomenon in pop music. There is rarely one person that does not know who that group is.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The World Champion of Football

There is always something significant that happens each and every day. Some have been tragic, while others have been purely blissful. This blog that I am going to be writing for a couple months now is not going to be your normal blog that talks about historical events that everyone knows about. I am going to try and find different events that have happened that many people may not know themselves. Some may be shocking while other may be trivial.

The event that I will be talking about this week is an event that many men, and some women, are very thankful for. On January 15, 1967, the first ever Super Bowl was held. It was held at the Los Angeles Coliseum. It was the Green Bay Packers against the Kansas City Chiefs.

After the creation of the American Football League (AFL), there was a lot of competition between their fans and the fans of the National Football League (NFL). There was a lot of talk with each other which started the rumor of them coming together for one game to play. The winner of the game would be known as “the world champion of football.”

The game started with the Chiefs in the lead 0 – 10. During the second half, the Packers came back with an incredible three touch downs and made the score 35 – 10. The Packers were led by MVP quarterback Bart Starr. The team also benefited from players like Max McGee and Willie Wood, both being wide receivers. Because they won, each team member received $15,000. That is the largest single-game share in the history of sports.

The name came from postseason college football games, which were called “bowls.” The AFL founder, Lamar Hunt, is the one that suggested the new “world champion of football” game be called the Super Bowl. It was officially placed as that title in 1969, as well as the roman numerals next to it to identify the game.

During 1970, the AFL and the NFL became one league but with two different conferences. The two different conferences are known as the American Football Conference and the National football conference, each one having thirteen teams. Ever since the two conferences have been created, the Super Bowl has been a face-off between the two best teams in them. Every team wants the coveted Vince Lombardi trophy, which was named after the Green Bay Packers coach that led his team to victory in the first, and second, Super Bowl.

The creation of “Super Bowl Sunday” has basically become an unofficial holiday for the everyday American. It has started a trend of huge parties. The TV station that airs the game earns a huge profit from willing companies who would like to have their commercials aired during the breaks. On average, a thirty second advertisement during the Super Bowl costs the company anywhere from 3.5 million dollars and up.