Sunday, February 10, 2013

Finally Free

The event that I am going to write about this week is one that has rocked South Africa’s world for the better. I am writing about the official statement from South African president F. W. de Klerk, that he is going to release Nelson Mandela from jail. This happened on February 10th, but Nelson Mandela was not officially released until February 12th.

            The government at the time was an apartheid government. That is where classes are split by race. Mandela was completely against that and became a part of the African National Congress. The ANC was banned by the government in 1960 for the way they though, and in return, Mandela had to go in disguise and took on many odd jobs to keep his true identity a secret.

            In 1961 Mandela was tired of staying quiet and started to think that nonviolent tactics was not getting his idea across. He and his group of people from the ANC started widespread bombings at government buildings and government official’s property. He was looked at by many during this time as a terrorist even though he was fighting for what was right in the community. Mandela was arrested on August 5, 1962 and was sentenced to five years in prison. After he was arrested, officials went on a raid at Lilliesleaf farm in Rivonia. They found different documents written by Mandela himself, describing his plan on taking down the government in South Africa. He was then sentenced to more prison time and was sent to the prison on Robben Island.

            While Mandela was in prison, he had the great skill of influencing many people, even the most mean prison guard there. According to PBS, “Through his intelligence, charm and dignified defiance, Mandela eventually bent even the most brutal prison officials to his will, assumed leadership over his jailed comrades and became the master of his own prison.”

            In the 1980’s, Mandela’s former law partner Oliver Tambo, started an international movement to free Mandela. In 1989, President F. W. de Klerk started to dismantle all of the apartheid ideas in the government. He also started to release all of the imprisoned members of the ANC.

            After Mandela was released, he was named President of the ANC and was rewarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

            Mandela is looked at by many as a symbol of hope. He never stopped trying to do what he knew was right. He is a very idolizing figure and should put strength in many to do what they believe is right, no matter what measures you have to take.

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