Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bad Mr. President

            The event that I am going to write about has been a controversial topic for some time in the past. This event happened on January 27, 2012. It was when the First Lady at the time, Hilary Clinton, blames Bill Clinton’s affairs on a vast right wing conspiracy.

            The “vast right wing conspiracy” spiraled out of control when there were allegations against them for the murder of former White House Aide, Vince Foster. He was found dead in a park in Washington; but it was then concluded that he had shot himself.

            Mrs. Clinton did not believe that her husband had cheated on her with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. At the time she felt that it was all a set up to make them look bad after the election. Bill Clinton also denied having any sort of relationship with Lewinsky. Other people had complained about sexual harassment from Bill Clinton in the past. The allegations against him started when he was only the governor of Arkansas.

            Many people felt that Hilary Clinton’s response to the affair and blaming it on a conspiracy was ridiculous. Former president of the conservative Rutherford Institute replied with the response, “Show us the facts. Who conspired and where? Who are these people who are conspiring?”

            Mr. Clinton was caught directly giving gifts to Monica Lewinsky. She felt that it had only happened because he was “gregarious and giving to everyone he meets.” In my opinion he was obviously a little to giving.

            Mrs. Lewinsky and her attorney submitted a formal proposal stating that they did not have sexual relations in return of not being prosecuted.

            Although she said they had no such relationship, there have been recordings of her talking to friends telling them about hers and Mr. Clinton’s relationship being just that. She also told her friends that she had been told to lie so that neither of them would get into any trouble.

            For months and months, many news stations were debating on whether or not Clinton actually had extra marital affairs with Lewinsky, and if he did, he would have perjury charges against him for lying about it. After the break in the news that it was in fact true, Lewinsky received a transactional immunity. That is immunity from persecution. She exposed everything about that affair and even turned over a blue dress that had stains from Mr. Clinton on them. After DNA tests, it shows that Mr. Clinton had affairs with Lewinsky.

            On August 17, 1998, Clinton admitted in a taped grand jury statement that he had an “improper physical relationship” with Lewinsky. That evening he also gave a nationally televised statement admitting to the affairs saying that it was “not appropriate.”

            Because of him lying about the affair, he had many hard ships coming for him. He had to pay a 90,000 dollar fine for lying in court. He was also almost impeached from office, especially since many of the members of congress were Republican. He did remain in office though. Many question that if a man was capable of that, would it make him a bad president? That is up for you to decide.

1 comment:

  1. I think that he should not have been considered for removal of office for these offenses. Mostly because they where pursuing him for something that is not technically illegal in the first place. It is only frowned upon. Then while they pressed him, he ended up committing the crime by lying about it. This is not a nationally effected incident, and if you had no moral problems with this act, it does not hinder his ability to lead the nation. Even though he did end up being impeached, but not removed by congress, he still had suffered the consequences.
